Gypsy King Horse
Another horse from the world of royalty is about to strut into FarmVille. Zynga has leaked yet another item to FarmVille Feed, the Gypsy King Horse. It's unknown exactly when this steed will be released, but FarmVille Feed predicts that it will be part of a larger medieval or King Arthur theme in the game. Either way, odds are it'll cost Farm Cash, so start saving if you want a way into the finer equine world where people raise their noses and always respond with, "Mmm... yes, with puffed chests. Alright, it won't be that bad, but expect it to cost a pretty amount of Farm Cash, if it lands in the Market. Stay tuned to find out when and how this new horse will stampede FarmVille.
[Image Credit: FarmVille Feed]
What do you think of this brand new Horse? Would you ever pay for a horse in FarmVille, or any game for that matter?
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